KOA Boulevard

Here is a real time-saving benefit for some Wound Care EHR users: In the new IntellicureEHR 7, with just a couple clicks in the lightning-fast environment users will be able to access (and create) lists of contact info for virtually any contact type. The list of contact types will initially include the following:

  • My Organization
  • Users
  • Clinics
  • Physicians
  • Physician Practices
  • Hospitals
  • Home Health Agencies
  • DME Providers
  • Other Organizations
  • Referral Sources
  • Insurance Companies

Your staff can use these contacts and their contact info throughout the software, like for secure messaging, quickly recording the location of a patient’s previous surgeries, referring a patient to another practice, and much more. The idea is that by filling in your contacts’ information once in the Resources module, you’ll never have to fill in that contact’s information again because Intellicure will always provide a drop-down menu for you to select that contact in your chart.

So for example, you’re filling in patient Betty’s chart. She was just sent to you from Dr. Anderson, who sends you referrals often. On Day 1 of using IntellicureEHR 7, your staff added Dr. Anderson to the Physicians list in Resources. So as you fill in Betty’s chart and come across the “patient’s primary care provider” option, you’re shown the option to select from your list of Physicians. You click on Dr. Anderson and voila! Dr. Anderson’s address and contact info is automatically added to the chart as Betty’s PCP. Simple as that.

There is much more to come regarding the Resources module, so stay tuned!