KOA Boulevard

With IntellicureEHR 7 we’re building a very clean, neat, handy tool through the charting process that we think users are going to love. We’re calling it the Patient Banner. It’s a heading-type section across the top of the chart that displays the patient’s information, including their basic demographics, and even a photo of the patient. Remember how we said that IntellicureEHR 7 is usable on tablets? You can snap a quick photo of the patient’s face and upload it right to their Patient Banner.

Another neat little part of the Patient Banner is its versatility. See the red circle in the screenshot below? Those are Zoom buttons and Expand buttons. Should you need demographic details about the patient as you’re charting, just a quick click on the Zoom or Expand buttons will show more information from the Banner. If you feel like the Patient Banner is getting in the way of your charting, click those buttons to minimize its view.

Check out the screenshot below, keeping in mind that we blurred out some sections to keep proprietary information private.