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A few years ago, Intellicure built a unique set of valuable tools inside IntellicureEHR called the “Intellicure Quality Suite.” The purpose of these tools—the Quality Dashboard, Measure Optimizer, and Integrated Quality Scorecard—was to help medical providers improve their documentation as it relates to CMS’s Quality Payment Programs. Why did we feel that mattered? Because CMS had announced that it was developing programs that monetarily incentivize the quality of each provider’s care, and they were going to use providers’ charts to track that quality of care.

Lo and behold, we’re now into our third year of MIPS: the Merit-based Incentive Payment System; CMS’ program that increases or decreases each provider’s Medicare reimbursements based on their quality care as represented in their charts.

Wound care centers and podiatry practices often see a high volume of Medicare patients, so Medicare reimbursements are very important to our wound care EHR users. That’s why we built the Quality Suite: to help our users make sure they’re thriving with MIPS.

As we re-designed the Quality Suite for IntellicureEHR 7, we did nothing to alter the functionality of the tools. On the IntellicureEHR home page providers will still see their MIPS composite score compared to their colleagues and the national benchmarks. Users who are part of the Intellicure Network will also have the ability to exchange the MIPS measures they track with other MIPS measures they may excel in. And the Integrated Quality Scorecard—the only tool on earth that shows how a provider can improve their MIPS quality scores on a chart-by-chart basis—will still be shown at the end of each chart, allowing the provider to go back and remedy anything they may have missed in the chart.

Click here to learn more about the Intellicure Quality Suite.