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Wound Care Software Built for Clinical Workflow Efficiency

Intellicure’s mission is to make everything easier for every role in the wound center.

We strive to reduce or eliminate time-consuming tasks throughout the wound center wherever possible, while simultaneously ensuring staff delivers optimal outcomes to patients. And we continue to do refine our software on a regular basis, adding new time-saving tasks wherever we can to optimize workflow efficiency.

Intellicure closely monitors the activities of The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and of private payors so we can react quickly to any new regulatory mandates or payor requirements that slow down the wound center. We respond with tools that will simplify and streamline the tasks those new mandates require of the wound center staff.

For example, when CMS began its MIPS program, Intellicure immediately rolled out its Individual Quality Scorecard, which helps wound physicians meet CMS’ quality measures on a patient level.

When payors began preferring photos of wounds, Intellicure built its Photo App to make the process of capturing and uploading wound photos easy for clinical staff.

Intellicure was at the forefront of EHR interfacing, becoming the first wound care software to interface with all the major hospital EHRs.

And as the market shifts toward interoperability, Intellicure is releasing its wound care SMART app, capable of installation within the hospital’s EHR system.

Scroll down to see the myriad ways Intellicure maximizes clinical workflow efficiency at the wound center.

See the Most Efficient Wound Care Software Imaginable.

Schedule a live demonstration of Intellicure's award-winning wound care software by submitting the form below. Your information will never be sold or shared.

Wound Care at its Most Efficient

Wound care centers tell us that they save an average of 4 hours of staff labor every day, not to mention the reduction in after-hours charting.

Here are a few ways Intellicure improves workflow efficiency at the wound center.

Intellicure's leading wound care software
delivered how you need it.

Use Intellicure as a Complete
Wound Care EHR

Intellicure's wound care software includes full-service EHR components, like scheduling, registration, charting, and billing and reporting tools. IntellicureEHR interfaces with any hospital EHR. It's an optimal solution for any wound care center or private practice looking for a fast, compliance-focused wound care EHR. IntellicureEHR it's usable on any device and can be logged in from anywhere.

Use Intellicure as a SMART App
inside the Hospital's EHR

Intellicure's wound care charting module is now available as an interoperable SMART app inside your hospital's EHR, like Cerner, Epic, Meditech, or any EHR provided it uses FHIR, the latest HL7 standard. This option delivers Intellicure's industry-leading charting software as part of your EHR's workflow, which is ideal for wound centers using the hospital's EHR.

Have questions? Call (800) 603-7896 to speak with a wound care expert at Intellicure, or click here to schedule a live demonstration of Intellicure.

“I highly recommend Intellicure to any practice or organization whose focus is that of exceptional wound care.”

— Desmond Bell, DPM
Jacksonville, FL

Save 4+ Hours of Staff Labor at Your Wound-Podiatry Practice - Intellicure