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wound care ehr interfaces

Integrations Between Intellicure and the Hospital EHR

Fast, powerful EHR interfaces that help the wound center minimize double-work and maximize efficiency.

Intellicure is capable of interfacing its wound care EHR and wound care app with any hospital EHR or system capable of interfacing, improving continuity of care and minimizing double-work for staff. Intellicure has hundreds of EHR interfaces currently running with several EHRs, including Epic, Cerner, Meditech, CPSI, Allscripts, and more.

Learn More about Intellicure's EHR Interfacing Capabilities.

Schedule a live demonstration of Intellicure's award-winning wound care software by submitting the form below. Your information will never be sold or shared.

Admit, Discharge, Transfer Interface

The ADT Interface (Admit, Discharge, and Transfer) allows for patient demographic information to be sent directly from the hospital registration system into Intellicure’s wound care software. This allows for patient registration to be completed in a single system and frees staff from repetitive data entry and manual mistakes.

Detailed Financial Transaction Interface

The DFT interface sends patient charge information created in Intellicure directly to the hospital billing system. This removes the need for manual charge entry and helps eliminate human error in the billing process.

Medical Document Management Interface

The MDM interface (Medical Document Management) sends documentation generated with Intellicure to the hospital’s EHR, including Epic and Cerner, allowing the wound center to store clinical documents in the existing EHR and eliminating the need for costly and time-consuming printing and scanning. Intellicure offers multiple file formats and methods of transmission.

Lab Interface

Intellicure offers the ability to send patient lab orders and receive lab results electronically, without having to leave the Intellicure software. Our Lab interface also allows patients to access their lab results within the Intellicure patient portal, improving patient satisfaction.

Intellicure's leading wound care software
delivered how you need it.

Use Intellicure as a Complete
Wound Care EHR

Intellicure's wound care software includes full-service EHR components, like scheduling, registration, charting, and billing and reporting tools. IntellicureEHR interfaces with any hospital EHR. It's an optimal solution for any wound care center or private practice looking for a fast, compliance-focused wound care EHR. IntellicureEHR it's usable on any device and can be logged in from anywhere.

Use Intellicure as a SMART App
inside the Hospital's EHR

Intellicure's wound care charting module is now available as an interoperable SMART app inside your hospital's EHR, like Cerner, Epic, Meditech, or any EHR provided it uses FHIR, the latest HL7 standard. This option delivers Intellicure's industry-leading charting software as part of your EHR's workflow, which is ideal for wound centers using the hospital's EHR.

Have questions? Call (800) 603-7896 to speak with a wound care expert at Intellicure, or click here to schedule a live demonstration of Intellicure.