Wound Care Charge Denials
Wound centers that use IntellicureEHR see a substantial drop in charge denials and a sharp rise in reimbursements.
Dr. Caroline Fife, renowned wound physician and author of the Wound Care blog CarolineFifeMD.com, pored through data to compile a list of the 6 most common reasons for Wound Care charge denials.
These denials all but disappear when you make the easy switch to IntellicureEHR because Intellicure automatically generates compliant, audit-proof documentation that payers love.
6 Most Common Reasons for Wound Care Charge Denials
1. Insufficient documentation to support services medically reasonable and necessary.
2. Incomplete or missing treatment records.
3. Insufficient documentation of diagnostic or physician progress note to confirm diagnosis.
4. Insufficient documentation of response to treatment or measurable signs of healing.
5. Insufficient documentation of failed standard treatment or debridement of diabetic wounds.
6. Missing signed physician’s order for treatment.
Reduce Charge Denials to a Minimum
Learn more about the Wound Care EHR that automatically codes and documents for you, saves 4+ hours of staff labor a day, and protects you against an audit.
Submit the form below to get your questions answered.