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wound care quality scores

Quality Care Proven by its Documentation

Intellicure is the leader in wound care compliance and regulatory guidance. We follow every move made by CMS and build tools and algorithms into our wound software that ensure the wound center meets the latest CMS standards, many of which are tied directly to reimbursements and the physician’s published quality performance benchmarked against their peers.

Intellicure’s Individual Quality Scorecard works in the background as the physician charts, driven by artificial intelligence and with the US Wound Registry‘s CMS-recognized quality measures built into the software. Near the end of the chart, the Scorecard shows CMS quality measures specific to that patient’s diagnosis and whether or not the physician’s documentation meets those measures.

From there, the physician can choose whether to change the documentation to meet the correlating measure or sign off the chart.

Completing actions tracked by the Individual Quality Scorecard helps the physician improve wound healing rates, position the wound center as an ally to auditors, and could improve reimbursements from both CMS and commercial payors. Additionally, completing the Scorecard’s measures will help the physician succeed in MIPS.

See Intellicure's Individual Quality Scorecard Live!

Schedule a live demonstration of Intellicure's award-winning wound care software by submitting the form below. Your information will never be sold or shared.

Intellicure's leading wound care software
delivered how you need it.

Use Intellicure as a Complete
Wound Care EHR

Intellicure's wound care software includes full-service EHR components, like scheduling, registration, charting, and billing and reporting tools. IntellicureEHR interfaces with any hospital EHR. It's an optimal solution for any wound care center or private practice looking for a fast, compliance-focused wound care EHR. IntellicureEHR it's usable on any device and can be logged in from anywhere.

Use Intellicure as a SMART App
inside the Hospital's EHR

Intellicure's wound care charting module is now available as an interoperable SMART app inside your hospital's EHR, like Cerner, Epic, Meditech, or any EHR provided it uses FHIR, the latest HL7 standard. This option delivers Intellicure's industry-leading charting software as part of your EHR's workflow, which is ideal for wound centers using the hospital's EHR.

Have questions? Call (800) 603-7896 to speak with a wound care expert at Intellicure, or click here to schedule a live demonstration of Intellicure.

“I oversee multiple wound care and hyperbaric centers that use Intellicure. Its reporting capabilities are an excellent tool to keep us in-tune with trend lines in volume, quality standards, and is extremely helpful to be able to benchmark ourselves with other sites.”

— Jill Schroeder, Vice President of Operations
Serena Groups

MIPS Quality Measures: Beat them with our Individual Quality Scorecard