KOA Boulevard

Advanced EHR Reports: Powerful Wound Care Analytics at Your Control

From outcomes to productivity, Intellicure’s powerful reporting engine delivers actionable insights.

No wound care software charts like Intellicure; wherein clinicians select options instead of typing notes. This unique approach to documentation leads to structured data that unleashes advanced reports unlike any wound care EHR, providing clean, trustworthy analytics that reveal actionable insights into the wound center’s business and clinical trends and provide quality performance benchmarks against the wound center’s peers.

Intellicure offers a wide range of reporting capabilities that every wound care center can use. Our reporting metrics can be segmented by individual, hospital department, practice, across the industry, and even at the patient level to help the wound center leadership identify specific areas of improvement or success.

After all, what good is all the data in a wound care software if you can’t analyze it, track it, and use it to improve?

See Intellicure's Actionable Reporting Engine Live.

Schedule a live demonstration of Intellicure's award-winning wound care software by submit the form below. Your information will never be sold or shared.

Intellicure's leading wound care software
delivered how you need it.

Use Intellicure as a Complete
Wound Care EHR

Intellicure's wound care software includes full-service EHR components, like scheduling, registration, charting, and billing and reporting tools. IntellicureEHR interfaces with any hospital EHR. It's an optimal solution for any wound care center or private practice looking for a fast, compliance-focused wound care EHR. IntellicureEHR it's usable on any device and can be logged in from anywhere.

Use Intellicure as a SMART App
inside the Hospital's EHR

Intellicure's wound care charting module is now available as an interoperable SMART app inside your hospital's EHR, like Cerner, Epic, Meditech, or any EHR provided it uses FHIR, the latest HL7 standard. This option delivers Intellicure's industry-leading charting software as part of your EHR's workflow, which is ideal for wound centers using the hospital's EHR.

Have questions? Call (800) 603-7896 to speak with a wound care expert at Intellicure, or click here to schedule a live demonstration of Intellicure.

“Intellicure’s Clinical Decision Support tools improved my Quality Scores and helped avoid a MIPS penalty.”

— Sherrill White-Wolfe, Director of Wound Care
CHI St. Luke’s, The Woodlands, TX